Urban Planning Projects

Our services at design and execution of Urbanization projects are characterized by the application of sustainability criteria as well as for the collaboration with engineering and landscaping offices.



Works are carried out in constant contact with customers and technical services of the town where the project will be executed, in order to know the required services to be included in the project and the technical specifications of materials and finishes set by the town. Wherever there are affected services, we take care of the procedures talking with the companies involved in order to coordinate the needed measures and works to be done.


Once pre-calculated the dimension of the different net services needed at the project, and according to functional, sustainability and aesthetic criteria, and always with customer's approval, a first proposal to be presented at the City Hall is done, in order to have a meeting with the technical services from the town where obtain the definitive conclusions to prepare our final proposal.


From the ideas, concepts and changes spoken at the meeting before, and with constant contact with our customers, we proceed to make the definitive proposal, which is presented at the City Hall and followed by us until we get the final approval from the town technical services letting us to begin the works.



We study the incoming quotations from possible constructor companies to advice the customer about which of the companies offer the better relation quality-price regarding the execution of the project. We make a conscientious control when executing the works to be ensured about the quality and fidelity of implementation towards the project done and avoid possible deviations in the original budget.

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