Energy Certifications [CALENER VYP-GT]

The Building Energy Certification is a requirement directly derived from the European Directive 2002/91/CE, which is translated in the legal Spanish system through the royal decree RD. 47/2007, of January the 19th. This law establishes the procedure that must be achieved by the new buildings. The Certification gives the building an Energy Class, which is similar to that ones we can find on the household appliances, in several categories: from A, the most efficient, to G, the least efficient. Moreover, this document must be included in the Executive Project and must be displayed before a General Register of Building Energy Certifications Documents.



It’s used in case the buildings have not very high technical difficulties in their design or without an especial interest in obtaining a specific Energy Qualification. In this kind of situations there are some recognized documents that justify the Building Energy Qualification without the use of specific calculation software.



Based on the building, modeled by LIDER software, CALENER software is suitable for housing and little commercial buildings. It allows the introduction of all the installations which use primary energy so as to satisfy the building energy demand. The software results is a report where we can see the Energy Qualification according to the W/m2, the primary energy request during a year, in W, and the CO2 emission, in Kg.



CALENER software for big commercial buildings requires a new modeling, with the definition of the installation systems. It allows a higher number of units and more complex installations than CALENER VYP

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